Top 20 NuGet blazor Packages

Package Description
Responsive, vertical timeline component.
Creates a "clean architecture" project setup for a MVC / WebApi / Blazor project.
Frogui allows creation of WPF/UWP-inspired XAML applications that run natively on the web, all developed using C# and .NET within Visual Studio. Running native .NET components in a browser is made possible using the revolutionary WebAssembly standard and Microsoft's Mono for WebAssembly technology. ...
GridView component for Blazor
Bionic Electron Plugin - Electron Platform CLI commands
Razor Code Display Component
Execute dynamic object expressions as Javascript in Blazor WebAssembly
A library with several extensions to Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms
Lite Redux is a simple library that implements state management in the Redux-style
Blazor components
Barcode Scanner component for Blazor using zxing-js Interop
Package Description
For .Net 5, library of 23 IJSRuntime extension methods gives simplified access to the complete set of JavaScript console functions from Blazor applications. Plus, for convenience, implements 3 common window functions: alert(), confirm() and prompt() and two functions for setting web page titles and ...
Blazor Components used at webenology
Core library for basic functionality, e.g. extension methods etc.
Geolocation component for Blazor using jsInterop