Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

Provides datacenter management capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
log4net blob storage appender
This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK. Use it to register push notifications with Azure Notification Hubs. To learn more about Azure Mobile, go to
Elastic Database jobs (preview) enables reliable execution of Transact-SQL (T-SQL) scripts across a group of databases. Using this feature, you can easily perform administrative operations such as schema changes, credentials management, reference data updates, performance data collection or tenant (...
Provides connectivity to Azure for applications targeting Windows IoT Core.
Simple package to use azure storage
Provides a standard interface for interacting with a push trigger callbacks storage mechanism, allowing push triggers to be implemented as pure boilerplate code plus an implementation of ICallbackStore.
An extension of media service to upload large files.
My package description.
Microsoft libraries for integration with Microsoft Azure Active Directory
!!! Note that this package will no longer be updated with the package name 'wastorage.v140' after version 4.0.0. The package is renamed to 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.CPP.v140' !!! The new package can be found in: This clie...
This package contains classes for issuing App Service Authentication tokens. For more information, check out
Azure AD helper classes using Microsoft Graph APIs and ADAL Libraries.
Azure Webjobs SDK Extension for Triggering a Group of Messages
This library contains basic authentification module, which can be mainly used for Azure websites. Not intended for production use.
Extension class for Azure StorageException to extract usefull information embedded inside the StorageException object by Azure Storage services on a failed request. Provides StorageException extension methods to extract: - ErrorCode - ETag - ExtendedErrorMessage - FailedOperationIndex (of ...
DataContract Serializable TableEntity base class that implements azure table storage ITableEntity interface. For the classes that need to be written to table storage, all that is required is to inherit from this base class and that s all. TableEntity class in the client SDK can be used as a base c...
Microsoft Azure uAMQP library