Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

App Service Helpers for Xamarin.Forms is a complementary library to App Service Helpers, to make it as easy as possible to use Microsoft Azure with Xamarin.Forms. Simply subclass our preconfigured ViewModel, data bind to the properties created, and you have a cloud-connected mobile app that runs on ...
Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services Authentication Library for Windows
AzureStorageFilterBuilder allows developer to create filters for Azure Storage Table request in a human-friendly way.
Converts objects to DynamicTableEntities and DynamicTableEntities back to original objects. Handles conversion of complex objects with complex nested properties. Usage: // Convert Order object to DynamicTableEntity DynamicTableEntity dynamicTableEntity = DynamicTableEntityConverter.ConvertToDynam...
Utilities package for running in Microsoft Azure.
An NLog Layout Renderer that utilizes Azure Cloud Configuration Manager
Currently it supports below query mappings: primitive: field => c.field parent/child => c.parent.child Namespace.EnumType'enumVal' => 'enumVal' queries: $select => SELECT $filter => WH...
This library is based on the official Azure Storage library ( with Azure Table functionality removed in order to get rid of OData and System.Spatial dependencies to allow it to build on Linux
This SDK includes interfaces for UDO development and components for compiling and executing U-SQL scripts locally on developer workstations or in testing environment. To compile U-SQL scripts, you will also need correspondent Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler (currently VC14) and Windows SDK (curren...
Package Description
Allows you to use SQL Server spatial types on a machine without SQL Server installed. Useful when deploying to Windows Azure. Also enables Entity Framework spatial types to be used (DbGeography and DbGeometry).
Core libraries for Sentinel
Interfaces used in integration projects.
Default implementatin of differenet services in Azure.
This package provides support for receiving WebHooks from Kudu (Azure Web App Deployment) and Azure Alerts. For information about Kudu WebHooks, see "" and for Azure Alerts, see "
Little puppy for managing webjobs in Kudu.
Azure role configuration initializer, manage decryption and type convertion of settings public properties
Azure provider for Search services.
Awesome models for the conference