Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

This library allows you to easily generate scoped SAS tokens for resources such as Azure Storage.
A client library for the Microsoft Azure gallery. This provides simple calls to list packages and fragments, as well as handle version checks.
This Split Merge tool provides capabilities to split or merge shards maintained by the elastic database client library for Azure SQL DB. The package includes a self-hosted cloud service to deploy within your subscription (including a sample Web front-end), and a .NET API for programmatic access to t...
Common configuration, helper and abstraction classes used by other TestEasy packages
Javscript Client Library for Microsoft Azure Active Directory Graph Client Library. Learn more about how to use this library @
CloudServiceTaskHost provides lightweight infrastructure for hosting jobs in an Azure Worker Role.
Yomego loves Umbraco, but not so much in the way it doesnt work in Azure or AWS (yet). We have built this framework for our own use, but if you fancy using it, give it a whirl.
Fx.Configuration to use with Azure Cloud Services configuration A lightweight, simple, flexible, extensible library to read configurations using strongly typed classes. - you can use a standard way to read configuration from app.config or from a pure JSON configuration file. - you can al...
This client library enables client applications using Windows Azure Mobile Services to enable offline workflows using a backing SQLite Database. For more information, check out DEPRECATED: Azure Mobile Services is now deprecated in favor of Azure Mobile Apps. T...
Wp toolkit control and helper.
App configuration for .NET. Strong-typed, JSON file-based, host-independent, and manageable.
This is a .NET Micro Framework 4.3 library to connect your device to Azure Service Bus. See for more information
Event sourcing client side synchronisation between machines / mobile devices
Testing library for event sourcing synchronisation
There are 8 setting values that can be set in the web.config file of your website. AzureAccountName(string) - Your Azure Account Name. AzureAccessKey(string) - Your Access Key. CdnPath(string) - Url for your blob storage. SecureCdnPath(string) - Secure Url for your blob stora...
Provides Microsoft Azure Automation management operations including the ability to create, update and delete runbooks and schedules.
This package contains SCP.Net SDK to develop Apache Storm topologies in .Net for Microsoft Azure HDInsight
A file watcher to help determine when an Azure Web Job exits.
Spec DLL for Microsoft Azure RemoteApp Management