Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

An extension of the Enyim Memcached client library to support using a Windows Azure role as a pool of memcached servers (including dynamic scaling).
A package to add a memcached server to a Windows Azure role
Authenticates service requests using your Membership Provider. Due to WebApi requirement for ASP.NET it also suppresses Forms Redirect by leveraging aspnet.suppressformsredirect Package.
Authenticates service requests using Windows Identity Foundation and SimpleWebToken (wif.swf). Due to WebApi requirement for ASP.NET it also suppresses Forms Redirect by leveraging aspnet.suppressformsredirect Package.
(Binary Version of the NetFx.) Adds the required source code and Web.config changes to support SWT tokens. Just configure SWT token format in Azure ACS/STS, and add your SwtSigningKey value to the Web.config! Requires: and
Syncronizes initialization of Windows Azure web roles in the development fabric, to prevent race conditions with IISConfigurator.exe
Currently customers writing Azure ServiceBus queue consumer need to write code to receive messages from a queue/subscription. This sample intends to simplify consuming messages using a WCF based approach. This packages adds a folder with the implementation of this WCF based solution and also adds a...
Easy integration of exception and audit logging with Azure Table storage and SQL Tables. The SQL integration allows rich reporting of exception and auditlog details.
Library used for management of Windows Azure services, SQL, storage, WASD, WAMS and VM's and networking
SisoDb is a schemaless document-oriented provider for SQL-Server. Using JSON and key-value storage, it lets you persist object graphs without specifying any mappings or extending any base classes interfaces etc. It lets you perform queries against SQL-server, using lambda expressions. It syncs schem...
This packages adds a plugin in the Windows Azure SDK named "ProcessExplorer". The plugin installs Sysinternals' ProcessExplorer as the default Task Manager in your Windows Azure Role instances. All you have to do is add an Import statement importing the module with a moduleName of "ProcessExplorer...
Nant.Builder provides a set of nant scripts that allows you simply build, version, test and deploy your solution to windows azure. See the project site for more details
Fog brings the cloud down to earth and harnesses it with F#. It makes interaction with the Azure .NET SDK easier.
Windows Azure Cache is a distributed, in-memory cache that increases performance by allowing you to store commonly accessed data in memory and reduces load on backend databases. The Windows Azure Cache NuGet package provides the cache client libraries that can be used to build applications to target...
Windows Azure Cache is a distributed, in memory cache that increases performance by allowing you to store commonly accessed data in memory and reduces load on backend databases. Windows Azure Cache Memcache Shim is a translation layer that enables you to easily communicate with the Cache Service or ...
Tracing library that writes either immidiately or buffered to Azure Storage. It is a standard System.Diagnostics TraceListener, but also adds some additional capabilities.
This package works with Service Bus 1.0 for Windows Server. it adds Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll along with related configuration files to your project. Please note that this package requires .Net Framework 4 Full Profile.
The Cloud Application Framework & Extensions (CloudFx) is a Swiss Army knife for Windows Azure developers which offers a set of production quality components and building blocks intended to jump-start the implementation of feature-rich, reliable and extensible Windows Azure-based solutions and servi...
A library and command line tool to save user settings to the cloud in a scalable way
.NET Framework Extended