Top 20 NuGet aspnet Packages

Razor shortcuts for generating markup for AngularJS markup based on .NET models.
Revalee is a Windows Service used to schedule callbacks for web applications. It simplifies a web application's workflow when events are required *after* the normal handling of web requests. This library allows Revalee callback requests to be easily embedded in web application code. This NuGet pack...
Redis backed ASP.NET providers written in C# using StackExchange.Redis. Includes OutputCacheProvider and SessionStateStoreProvider.
A Neo4j based identity provider for ASP.NET.
This package exposes metadata for ASP.NET Web Api through a handler. Supports C# and Javascript client proxy - see project site.
Useful extensions/tools/utils I keep using all over the place. Hit me up (@bscheiman) if you need help.
ASP.NET Web API testing library part of Georadix.NET, a framework for building great .NET apps.
ASP.NET Web API library part of Georadix.NET, a framework for building great .NET apps.
Incredibly easy and reliable way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring long-running, short-running, CPU or I/O intensive tasks inside ASP.NET application. No Windows Service / Task Scheduler required. Even ASP.NET is not required. Backed by Redis, SQL Server, SQL Azure or MSMQ. ...
Common unit testing functionality for ASP.Net MVC applications - test role store, test user store, test data helpers, better assertions, fluent assertions for controllers, view results and other MVC items.
Install this assembly in aspnet project
The WebDbConnector is a .NET library used to create and maintain only an unique connection to the database per request in the Asp.Net web applications.
A .NET Utility Class Library
The ViewStateOptimizer is a .NET library used to optimize the ViewState problem for the web forms platform. It will include a set of the best methods to improve the performance for the web forms when using ViewState.
Deprecated. Use MotleyFlash.AspNetCore.MessageProviders. Leverages DNXFlash and contains useful message providers for AspNet.
Deprecated. Use MotleyFlash.AspNetCore.ViewProviders. Leverages DNXFlash and contains useful view helpers for Razor.
Unity is a lightweight extensible dependency injection container. This package is a Unity bootstrapper for ASP.NET MVC. VB.NET
General use components for HTML5 and JavaScript®/TypeScript/AngularJS: Calendar, date picker, time picker, multi-selector combo box, toggle button, tree-grid, etc.
A vNext MVC 6 specific middleware for ImageDis. A simple image resizing server for ASP.NET.
This Owin middleware helps with serializing and formating JSON results from ASP.NET web API Hosted within OWIN server or self hosted OWIN Web API. There is also support for ASP.NET Web API without OWIN from v1.0.2.