Top 20 NuGet aspnet Packages

Official AspNetCore library for Evada CMS.
Various framework elements and components to help make the development of .Net Standard applications and ASP.Net Core MVC websites that much easier to deal with for the ASP.Net Core .Net cross-platform) environment. To see all assemblies in the framework, click the 'CoreXT' tag. This package will c...
Package Swagger for WebApi aspnet core.
DryIoc adapter for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
ForEvolve Entity Framework Core helpers.
Url Helper extension to get versioned content asset URLs
Common functionalities and utilities for any AspNetCore MVC project
This is forked from riskfirst/riskfirst.hateoas and will hopefully be decommissioned when and if our PR is merged into the main repo. An implementation of HATEOAS for aspnet core web api projects which gives full control of which links to apply to models returned from your api.
A Disqus widget for Kentico
Microsoft Orleans Http Endpoints
Kontent Management SDK Helpers