Top 20 NuGet aspnet Packages

It's what happens when Bootstrap and ASP.NET MVC make sweet, sweet love. Provides HtmlHelpers for the Bootstrap CSS framework.
Providing Blazor dev tools for easier development.
NooBIT.DataTables provides functionality to process ajax requests from javascript framework v1.10.x
LiteDB storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Xml for AspNetCore,Xml Serializer, Xml Deserialize
Allows you to add cookies for IHttpActionResult in WebAPI controllers
Middleware to expose Swagger JSON endpoints from Azure Function APIs built on ASP.NET Core
This library is used for Scheduling task in AspNet Core
Shepherd is a highly extendable orchestrator pattern wrapping (SimpleInjector / Microsoft Dependency Injection) in order to help register tasks more easily. Shepherd out of the box help auto-register domain service and create modules for infrastructure registration. Shepered ...
Shepherd is a highly extendable orchestrator pattern wrapping (SimpleInjector / Microsoft Dependency Injection) in order to help register tasks more easily. Shepherd out of the box help auto-register domain service and create modules for infrastructure registration. Shepered ...
Toastr service for ASP.NET MVC 5 Apps.
A thread-safe caching infrastructure for caching data objects, which should be requested only once when needed from the data source (db, service or any type of data source)
NSwag: The Swagger API toolchain for .NET and TypeScript
Package base for create WebApi aspnet core.
Auto Health Check integration for Raygun.