Top 20 NuGet argument Packages

A simple utility to help you parsing string array arguments into objects. With this class you can save the time spent on validations created for console applications. The arguments are bound to class properties, the binding is done using attributes over the properties, those attributes let you defin...
A really simple C# guard clause/validation library
Simple CommandRunner to bootstrap console applications
Framework for building command-line applications in C#
A small library to validate method parameters.
A simple argument parser to convey a variety of argument values flexibly and uniformly between software components or as part of a command-line interface. The package includes the 'Switch - argument parser v3.7.pdf' document.
Collection of simple pieces of reusable code designed such that dependencies aren't forced upon consumers of its packages. Package is shipped as source code.
Collection of simple pieces of reusable code designed such that dependencies aren't forced upon consumers of its packages. Package is shipped as source code.
A simple library for reading command-line arguments.
The extension library for console program.
A cross-platform command line management system.
Argumentyi is argument parser
Simple command line parser framework designed to be friendly with DI frameworks.
This package contains a set of libraries simplifying validation of arguments during coding.
Handle commandline arguments