Top 20 NuGet argument Packages

prmToolkit É um projeto responsável por dar apoio a outros projetos. # ArgumentsValidator Classe responsável por gerenciar validações de argumentos. VANTAGENS >Podemos realizar validações indivíduais ou em grupos >É possível levantar uma exceção ou captura-las
This is a library of extensions for Code Guard. NuGet Site: [] NuGet Command: [Install-Package Seterlund.CodeGuard]. These extensions are intended to give the guards custom messages.
Configures Autofac for dependency injection
Provides a command line arguments builder, methods to run executables and extract outputs, etc.
Uses Humanizer to transform the case of command and argument names
Configures SimpleInjector for dependency injection
Uses System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations to validate arguments
Helper methods for validating method arguments in .NET 4.5 and upwards. Similar to the Code Contracts feature, but even easier to use.
The ultimate .NET command line parser - PowerArgs converts command line arguments into .NET objects that are easy to program against. It also provides a ton of additional, optional capabilities that you can try such as argument validation, auto generated usage documentation, tab completion, Entity ...
Useful extension methods for .Net Standard 2.0 and above.
Small and simple library to help checking arguments
A .NET library for handling command-line arguments like a boss.
The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks.
Simple, lightweight, and powerful command parsing library. Useful for command handling in chat or game applications. Documentation:
Represents a validator that simplifies checking method and constructor arguments and throws the appropriate exceptions.
Command line argument parser library.
Parses command line arguments, includes a single C# file as source code into the project
ConsoleCommon is a .net library that provides a set of helper tools intended for use with console applications. These tools focus on automating argument typing and validation, and creating help text.