Top 20 NuGet argument Packages
A simple guard library for validating method parameters without being a complete validation library.
This library makes it easy to validate method arguments in a uniform way.
NClap is a .NET library for parsing command-line arguments and building interactive command shells. It's driven by a declarative attribute syntax, and easy to extend.
Deep fork of the Seterlund.CodeGuard library.
Example: Guard.That(arg1).IsNotNull().GreaterThan(100);
Throws an exception if conditions are not met.
Command-line argument parser.
OBSOLETE - This fork is not maintained, and the official package has activity again.
Please use this one:
The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tas...
CuttingEdge.Conditions is a library that helps developers to write fluent pre and postcondition validations in their C# 3.0 and VB.NET 9.0 code base.
Writing these validations is easy and it improves the readability and maintainability of code.
Guard and Validator library.
Example: Guard.That(arg1).IsNotNull().GreaterThan(100);
Throws an exception if conditions are not met.
Supports the ability to get a list of the failed conditions.
Argument validation methods, for example:
this.user = Argument.NotNull("user", user).
Less fancy than approaches based on lambdas/anonymous classes, but less scary performance-wise (given that argument checks are often all over the place).
Annotations: C# 8 nullable reference types, ReSharper, Mic...
Simple attribute based command line parser.
Tool for reading string arguments from the command line.
Base class for command line interface argument handling/building.
Tool for reading integer arguments from the command line.
Tool for reading double arguments from the command line.
Tool for reading boolean arguments from the command line.
An extension for FakeItEasy which allows for capturing arguments sent to a fake.
Equivalency based argument matcher for NSubstitute
The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks. This is a fork of the original project, including most pull requests.
The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks.
Cauldron.Consoles is a Cauldron.Core based parameter parser which supports grouping of parameters in execution groups. It is also supports localization and has a nice parameter table :)
Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.