Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Persistent storage for Xamarin apps
.NET binding for Movesense Android mdslib
.NET Standard SDK for Phantom's REST and Streaming APIs. Monitoring and control Nova, Pixel-Classic and Sushi using C#.
Brings nice support to multiple language and cultures. Documentation in the next days...
Xamarin.Android lib to show triangle view as badge
Android loading view library
Android's seekbar that contains 2 cursor (left and right). Multiple touch supported.
A contentview which allows rounded edges of any size, right within Xamarin.Forms. Plus alot of extra customizations.
Crop images with iOS and Android
Android binding package for Firebase Crashlytics. For more information, follow this description: Forked from
A custom SeekBar on Android, which can be changed the size, color, thumb drawable, tick drawable, tick text and indicator, also, will show an indicator view with progress above SeekBar when seeking.
Xamarin.Android library to show reacting badges like Facebook.
An Android library to build flying animated toast message.
Lollipop ViewAnimationUtils.CreateCircularReveal for everyone 4.0+
Xamarin videoplayer
A wrapper that allows you to use the iOS/Android Firebase Auth bindings (by Xamarin) from your netstandard library.
Fork of Awesome HTML editor in Xamarin.Forms with fixes
Squareup Retrofit2 Retrofit-converter binding library for Xamarin.Android
Convert your TextView in ExpandableTextView with added options ReadMore/ReadLess.
A simple library for caching any data structure and specific amount of time in TIZEN application. Powered by LiteDB