Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Resize UWP, Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS assets automatically.
Sharing styles in Xamarin apps.
An Android Holo themed colorpicker designed by Marie Schweiz
An Android implementation of the Discrete Slider component from the Google Material Design Guidelines
With this Package you can clear all applicaion's cookies. So if you are already logged in with your social media account you can simply log out with this.
An assortment of USB peripheral drivers for Xamarin Android
Xamarin.iOS binding library - AWS Core
Xplat (cross platform) implementation of Statistics algorithms .NET Standard 1.0 (netstandard1.0) .NET Standard 1.1 (netstandard1.1) with Parallel Linq algorithms
Xplat (cross platform) implementation Interval/Range implementation. .NET Standard 1.0 (netstandard1.0)
Xamarin.Android binding library - AWS Core
RichEditor for Android is a beautiful Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for Android.
A WebView that does not delay Activity creation, has built-in Progressbar and configurable through XML.
Android view for user input that models horizontal wheel controller.
An Android TextView, using animated color gradients.
Most of DJI's aircraft and handheld cameras can be automated using the DJI Mobile SDK
This is a simple Seek Bar, in the shape of a circle, responsive to the speed of the spin: the faster you spin the control, the faster the progress increases.
Xamarin.iOS Magnifier View