Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Sample IoC implemention for .Net Standard Projects.
Xamarin.iOS binding library - Mapbox MobileEvents
The Azure Custom Vision service ( is able to create models that can be exported as CoreML, Tensorflow or ONNX models to do image classification. This plugin makes it easy to download and use these models offline from inside your mobile app, using CoreML on iOS, Tensorflow on...
Ability to use CMImage to merge NSImage.
Netstandard 2.0 Rewrite of PCLStorage
TeeChart Standard Charting Components for Xamarin.Forms offer full cross-platform support for iOS, Android and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) Xamarin.Forms apps from the same common core charting code. Includes support for Charts, Gauges all from within the same charting library, with no need to o...
Android library that provides an extension to ImageView that creates an immersive experience by animating its drawable using the Ken Burns Effect.
Allows saving of an encrypted access token on Xamarin iOS or Android.
A very simple log trace viewer thingy
XFShapeView for Xamarin.Forms for .NET Core provides a custom ContentView allowing you to draw customizable shapes in Android and iOS apps. Support for box, rounded box, circle, circle progress, heart, oval, path, triangle and star shapes. As this library is based on a ContentView, you can easily...
Xamarin Forms package which allows use some common WPF/UWP features like XAML-defined animations, storyboards, VisualStateManager, etc...
Xamarin.Forms plugin to crop and rotate photos.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Rafael Almeida Barbosa's AchievementView, an Android library Achievement View to show message or information in your app
Xamarin bindings for Hyperlog
pCloud API for Xamarin.Android by CloudRail provided an easy solution to upload, download, retrive folders and many more functionality. Get a free license key at: Features: - Download files from Cloud Storage. - Upload files to Cloud Storage. - Get Meta Data of files, fol...
Bluetooth access across Android and Windows from a single API, allowing you to write to paired devices.
Native view behaviors to reflect the Xamarin.Forms behaviors, but for native iOS and Android controls. Use within your ViewController and Activity/Fragment lifecycles to clean up event handling
Library to create fully customizable Twitter Bootstrap styled alerts