Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

StreetHawk Android SDK, Engagement Automation for mobile apps. StreetHawk's Feed component is used for sending feeds to your application.
StreetHawk Android SDK, Engagement Automation for mobile apps. StreetHawk's Analytics Component is core component of StreetHawk SDK
StreetHawk Android SDK, Engagement Automation for mobile apps. StreetHawk's Analytics Component is core component of StreetHawk SDK.
StreetHawk Android SDK, Engagement Automation for mobile apps. StreetHawk's Beacon feature lets you to run campaigns based on user's presence inside a beacon's region.
StreetHawk Android SDK, Engagement Automation for mobile apps. StreetHawk's Beacon feature lets you to run campaigns based on user's presence inside a beacon's region.
Create cross-platform customizable ClockFace.
Funciones para Xamarin Android
NChart3D is the universal chart and graph framework, enabling stunning data visualization in your iOS and Android applications in minutes. Using OpenGL based hardware acceleration, NChart3D is fast and responsive even on the huge datasets.
NGrid is the powerful grid, table and spreadsheet framework for your iOS application. Create stunning grids in minutes with NGrid clear API, complete documentation and extreme performance.
Customizable circular progress indicator for Xamarin.Android
Provides Secure storage of key value pairs for iOS, Android, MacOS(OSX) and Tizen apps.
Xamarin bindings for NoNonsense-FilePicker library v4.1.0. NoNonsense-FilePicker is a file/directory-picker for android.
Detect most of ad blockers on Android
Xamarin bindings for the Android Tensorflow Mobile libraries
UniversalSerializer is a free open-source advanced serializer for .NET and .NET Core.
Android Timeline View Library (Using RecyclerView) is simple implementation used to display view like Tracking of shipment/order, steppers etc.
Binding library of de.hdodenhof.circleimageview
Display and optionally collect user ratings for items in your Xamarin.iOS app using a custom rating image, custom scale, and an easily composible transparent background.
A CarouselView that can be easily customized and tweaked to your needs and works cross-platform on Android and iOS without the need for any platform specific coding.
Super Lite Android Library to select files/directories from Device Storage.