Top 20 NuGet unity Packages

Main development dependency for XUnity Resource Redirector.
Glarduino is an asynchronous communication library for .NET/C# Serial Ports and Arduino.
Xamarin Binding Library - GoogleAdsMediation::UnityAdapter
Helper for auto implementing the NinjaMvvm.Xam dependencies using Unity
API Client for Unity Publisher Portal -
Automocker for Moq.
Extension methods on crack.
Build tools for Unity Mod Studio projects using Unity Doorstop mod loader.
Unity Mod Studio common types.
In .Net 4.7.2, ASP.NET added dependency injection support in WebForms. This package is to make it easier to use Unity container in WebForms application.
The EntLibContrib Autofac Configurator is an implementation of the IContainerConfigurator interface that allows to use Autofac as the DI container in EntLib.
The EntLibContrib Castle Windsor Configurator is an implementation of the IContainerConfigurator interface that allows to use Castle Windsor as the DI container in EntLib.
Prism libraries including Unity Extensions built against Unity 2.1
Xaml based configuaration for the Enterprise Library Unity Application Block. Works both for the server and the client.
Unity 2.1 custom extensions which enable to pull Lazy<T> and IEnumerable<Lazy<T>> from the container.
Common Service Manager Unity Adapter is an implementation of the Common Service Manager for Unity Application Block.
Convention based configuration API for the Microsoft Unity IoC container. With just a few lines of code, you can now registere all your classes in the entire solution. If the built-in conventions doesn't fit your needs, it is very easy to extend with your own.
Servicelocator and configuration for applications.
Package that allows MVC routes to be created via attributes, both at the controller and action levels using the Unity IoC framework. Also includes an embedded view engine adapted from an example found at
Package that allows services to be automatically loaded with standardized endpoints. The premise is that the services you wish to host will be hosted within WAS/IIS and can be activated via HTTP, TCP, MSMQ or WebHTTP (REST).