Top 20 NuGet unity Packages

Provides .NET wrappers around the CUNI notification engine including being able to initiate a monitoring session, edit which mailboxes are being monitored and handling events raised by the server. Can be used in a desktop applciation or a web server based on configuration.
Unity implementation for the Waffle.
FeatureSwitch IoC container support for Unity
A feature flipping system with Unity.
It is very light weight Dependency Resolver based on patterns & practices - Unity. It can resolve both MVC Controller and WebApi Controller.
This handy extension allows you to define code regardless of the final IoC container, this is to allow you to use unity
Allows types registration in Unity IoC container using naming conventions.
Unity-specific implementation for mediator pattern.
UnityRegistrationValidator is a simple Microsoft Unity Extension which allows to verify setup for ContainerControlledLifetimeManager dependencies.
Integration between AutoMapper and Unity DI
Unity.Wcf is a library that allows simple Integration of Microsoft's Unity IoC container with WCF. This project includes a bespoke InstanceProvider that creates a child container per client connection and disposes of all registered IDisposable instances once the connection is terminated.
A chill container that uses unity as a dependency injection container
Basic log4net Policy injection framework for Unity
A tiny testing library for your Unity container.
A plugin for Glimpse to show Unity registrations.
Send mail using Unity(DI). Just config file only, binary file is not necessary.
Connect database using Unity(DI). Just config file only, binary file is not necessary.
Integrates CommonProvider to the Unity Ioc for resolving dependencies.
Unity integration for CoreApp
Convert STP files to 3d graphic models