Top 20 NuGet unity Packages

CodeCop Setup Unity container adapter
Implementation of Reusable Library Abstractions Dependency Resolver (IoC) for Unity. LifetimeManagers: WorkItem, WebRequest.
ILogInject.Unity enables the Unity IOC container to inject a CommonLogging.ILog class logger into a registered class.
Extension for the Unity IoC container that makes it easy to track IDisposable instances created during Resolve(), in order to dispose of them cleanly.
Unity.Patterns provides extensions for Unity dependency injection framework. The main focus is on Registration by Convention and the Decorator pattern.
Typed Asynchronous RPC Layer for Photon Server. This package includes Server libs + Analyzer + HubInvoker
The package defines a custom Unity's InjectionMember - InjectionConstructorLookup. It resolves a provided type between several inheritors of some basis type, depending on their constructor parameter signatures.
ServiceBridge implementation for Unity container.
Unity adapter for Common Service Registry.
Unity adapter for Common Service Registry.
Use Unity as the IoC container for Mediator.Net
a unity framework extension for Microsoft.Practices.Unity
Provides .NET wrappers around the REST API's for Unity Connection User interfaces including CUPI for Users, CUMI and CUTI interfaces.
A simple extension to Unity that enables NLog Logger dependencies to be injected into consuming classes, with the ILogger instance being configured as the correct logger for the consuming class.
An unofficial Unity implementation of the interfaces in Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.
Automatic trace logging through Serilog that is instrumented by Unity.Interception.
Open source JIT Dependency Injection. Just another one - we know! But this follows the same design principles of Google's Guice. MIT License Has been used in 20+ Games which have had a combined download of 25M. Production ready!