Top 20 NuGet unity Packages

A package that compile NetMQ in .Net Framework 3.5, which supports using in Unity3D.
Text to Text Transformation Templates (T4) transfomation library for Unity.
Core modules for accessing Mapbox services
Intent Framework Unity Library
Json parser for Mono / .NET 3.5 to be used in Unity.
Library to make working with Unity configuration simpler
A Simple string matcher builder for Unity (works also on normal c# projects).
A Simple string matcher builder for Unity (works also on normal c# projects).
Steamworks implementation with an emphasis on making things easy. For Windows x64.
A library for performing Bezier curve computation for .NET Core. Commonly Used Types: - Bezier - Arc - Line - Circle - Slope - Extrema - BoundingBox Target platforms: - Desktop (Windows Forms, WPF, Avalonia) - Unity Game Engine - Xamarin - ASP.NET Core - Blazor (web front-end)
Allows easily switching out IoC containers without rewriting code. This package supports the Unity container.
A Scriptable Object based event and data manipulation framework for Unity
A developer console library implementing most of the features of Source Engine/Id-style commands and variables. It is designed to be compatible with Unity but is not dependent on it. See project page for usage.