Top 20 NuGet unittest Packages

Chet is a simple, minimal, mocking framework for .NET Core 2.0.
Some extended Xunit based functionalities
Addition to the Visual Studio CppUnitTest Framework. Tests can be run in a separate process and will be terminated after a given timeout.
Minimal RSpec Clone
An `AnythingActivator` will make an extreme effort to find and instantiate a concrete class which is assignable to a `Type`, whether or not the Type is concrete, whether or not the Type has constructor dependencies, whether or not a suitable concrete subtype is found in any currently loaded `Assem...
Template for generating a unit test project
Utility library to
Commandline tool for deploying, running and monitoring MSTestX Unit Tests on Android and iOS devices, and generating TRX TestResult reports.
A fluent API based on Gherkin syntax to assist with the creation of automated tests.
Package Description
An extensible C# unit test library that uses builder pattern to streamline creation of dependencies. It reduces the amount of boilerplate code needed when writing unit tests and let the developers to focus on writting the actual test logic.
googletest nuget package 1.10.0 built by VC140.
A test library that helps to write unit tests faster by abstractin out the boilerplate codes and let the developers focus on the actual logics of the unit tests instead.
A test library that helps to write unit tests faster by abstractin out the boilerplate codes and let the developers focus on the actual logics of the unit tests instead.
Test base class using NSubstitute for NUnit tests that lets you skip all the boring setup
A simple library that decomposes targets into primitive data types and asserts them.
A test framework and engine of MUnit.
Xamariners.UnitTests.Xamarin is a library to help unit test for Xamarin using Specflow and using Gherkin Language.
Library for automated tests.
Dapper.UnitTest is a Unit Test tool for Dapper and ADO.Net. It helps to verify expected database command has been executed and raise code coverage.