Top 20 NuGet unittest Packages

Some tools to simplify Fixtures and Mocks in Unit Tests using AutoFixture.
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging compatible logger for recording log messages during tests
An opinionated helper adding syntaxic sugar around Moq library
This package provides the function to save database tables before and after changes as CSV, JSON and Excel files. It's designed for the purpose to automatically generate evidence files in unit-tests.
Contains Moq argument matchers using FluentAssertions
An adpater of MUnit for using with Visual Studio IDE
AutoObjectBuilder.Net is an open source project designed to assist with Unit testing by automatically building simple and complex object graphs with predictable test data..
Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods for Silverlight Unit Test Framework. This provides only single .cs file.
Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods for Silverlight Unit Test Framework. This provides only single .cs file.
Giles - continuous test runner for .NET applications.
Silverlight unit testing framework. Add to a Silverlight 4 application, then follow instructions in Readme.txt.
Easy to use framework for creating mock objects, fakes, stubs with an intuitive and fluent API
Integration testing against e-mail almost always sucks. EmbeddedMail doesn't remove all of that pain, but it certainly helps it suck less by providing an in-memory SMTP server that you can assert on.
Library of helpers for testing
Shamz is a micro library for mocking command line executables. Shamz allows you to dynamically create an executable which will match command line args and take some action (delay, return a specific exit code, etc..). Useful for writing tests against an external executable.
An automocking utility. Provides a fixture base class that minimizes the boiler plate code needed to write each unit test and reduces pains of refactoring.
Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods and Dynamic Private Accessor for MbUnit.
Automaticly test all your custom exceptions
A micro-framework for unit testing class and type declarations.