Top 20 NuGet unittest Packages

Simple framework for easy unit testable entity framework.
Simple framework for easy unit testable entity framework.
Prig(PRototyping jIG) is a framework that generates a Test Double like Microsoft Fakes/Typemock Isolator/Telerik JustMock based on Unmanaged Profiler APIs. This framework enables that any methods are replaced with mocks. For example, a static property, a private method, a non-virtual member and so o...
Unit Test Injector is a set of classes that aim to facilitate the unit tests development, especially when implementing the Dependency Injection pattern.
Package Description
A simple and easy to use load testing framework for .NET
Fixture Factory NET is a tool to help developers quickly build and organize fake objects for unit tests. The key idea is to create specification limits of the data (templates) instead of hardcoded data.
DotGoodies.Testing.ApplicationConfiguration provides a programmatic way to change the values stored in application configuration section of a app.config file. An integration or unit test can use it during setting the SUT up.
Nock-CSharp is an HTTP mocking library that was inspired by node-nock. It is used to mimic the flow you normally expect using the standard HttpClient object available in .net, without having to stray away from the standard objects already built in.
A simple framework for mocking a database in .Net
Deprecated - use Our.Umbraco.Community.Tests in stead The Umbraco.Tests.dll and pdb files, built from the UmbracoCMS source code. Theres a daily check for a new version(Umbraco.Version) using appveyors cron job
MaulingMonKey's Unit Testing API. No, the world didn't really need another unit testing library either. Yes, I wrote one anyways. Project Goals: - Cross Platform - target all the platforms I'm interested in appropriately. - No Config - aiming to have "perfect" NuGet integration, with .libs, sane ...
The core framework for unit tests from Springboard 365 Ltd.
Configure your projects to easily integrate behavior tests with Testavior.
Adds support for implementing mocks consistently and pass test data to be used in mocks.
DLLs required to run CodedUI Tests
Diagnostics analyzer: when interpolated string ($"...") is used as an object, will force it to be cast to FormattableString (this will preserve raw data values and is very useful, for example, when unit testing log messages).
Package Description