Top 20 NuGet tcp Packages

Modbus TCP, Modbus UDP and Modbus RTU client/server library for .NET implementations
Simple TCP/IP ADS Router Console Application for use on systems without TwinCAT installation / setup.
A RSS messaging and routing platform to consolidate messages from multiple providers including Twitch, Discord, Websocket and Tcp. Includes custom message routing, command, and currency systems.
CavemanTcp is a simple TCP client and server providing easy integration and full control over network reads and writes, allowing you to build your own state machines with ease.
帮助类 0.0 文件帮助类 0.1 math帮助类 0.2 enum帮助类 0.3 异常帮助类 0.4 字节数组帮助类 0.5 加密解密帮助类 0.7 SVG文件帮助类 0.8 Redis帮助类 0.9 Random帮助类 0.10 对象属性帮助类 0.11 ini文件帮助类 0.12 ModbusTCP协议报文生成、校验及解析帮助类 0.13 Tcp通讯帮助类
Twino Serializable Model library for object based communication with text-based protocols
The library assembly for Allie.Chat, an RSS messaging and routing platform to consolidate messages from multiple providers including Twitch, Discord, Websocket and Tcp.
The client module for a simple SSL or non-SSL Tcp Client with authentication.
The Websocket assembly for Allie.Chat, an RSS messaging and routing platform to consolidate messages from multiple providers including Twitch, Discord, Websocket and Tcp.
The Tcp assembly for Allie.Chat, an RSS messaging and routing platform to consolidate messages from multiple providers including Twitch, Discord, Websocket and Tcp.
The server module for an easy to use and heavily customizable Tcp layer for N-Tier architecture.
The client module for an easy to use and heavily customizable Tcp layer for N-Tier architecture.
The server and client modules for an easy to use and heavily customizable Tcp layer for N-Tier architecture.
Ultra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C# .NET Core library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution
This is a websocket server and client component based on SAEA.Socket. 这是基于SAEA.Socket的websocket服务器、客户端组件
This is a high-performance redis driver based on SAEA.Sockets, supporting redis cluster. 这是一个基于SAEA.Sockets的redis 高性能驱动,支持redis cluster
This is a high-performance memory queue server and client component based on SAEA.Sockets. 这是一个基于SAEA.Sockets的高性能内存队列服务器、客户端组件
This is a message server and client component based on SAEA. Scokets. Messages are transmitted by Pb compression. Messages support private messages, channels, groups, etc. 这是一个基于SAEA.Scokets的高性能消息服务器、客户端组件,消息使用pb压缩传输,消息支持私信、频道、群组等方式
This is a high-performance file transfer component based on SAEA.Sockets. 这是一个基于SAEA.Sockets的高性能文件传输组件
Simple wrapper for TCP client and server in C# with SSL support