Top 20 NuGet tcp Packages

Saea.dns is a lightweight component based on saea.socket, including dnsserver and dnsclient. SAEA.DNS 是基于SAEA.Socket的轻量级的包含DnsServer和DnsClient的轻量快捷组件
Twino Messaging Queue (TMQ) Protocol library and server extension for Twino Server
Twino Http Protocol library and server extension for Twino Server
The easiest and fastest way to work with sockets in C#
Libuv transport model.
DNP3 Protocol - Outstation Server and Master Client protocol stack implementation. Supports File Transfer ( File read, file write), Directory commands, unsolicited response, Octect String, Virtual Terminal Output, "Select-Before-Operate" and "Direct-Execute" command execution modes, Binary Output(...
Protobuf Proto3 codec.
A basic multi-client message-based tcp server (and client).
A library for .NET that provides standards-based WebRTC/ORTC-compatible peer-to-peer media and data streams.
Unified support for Serial, TCP/IP, UDP, SSH ports
NFX CORE Package NFX UNISTACK includes: Application Container + Dependency Injection facilities Configuration engine BigMemory: Local/Distributed piles/heaps, ability to store hundreds of millions of objects resident in memory for long times without killing GC BigMemory Cache - sto...
Make server application fluently
fastdfs async client 1.2.4: fix download file return bytes bug , suggest use IDownloadCallback 1.2.3: support big file upload and download 1.2.2: support QUERY_STORE_WITHOUT_GROUP_ONE 1.2.1: compatible with DnsEndPoint and fileExt first char is a dot 1.2.0: support down...
This API provides all functionnalities necessary to log text and data to different targets, allowing to select only relevant log items categories, log types and source objects throught appropriate filters. It is possible to choose log items properties from more than 10 ones (including information ab...
Core logic for NModbus. Contains fundamental implementation of Modbus, save for the transport layer.
NModbus is a C# implementation of the Modbus protocol. Provides connectivity to Modbus slave compatible devices and applications. Supports TCP, and UDP protocols. NModbus4 it's a fork of NModbus(
DEPRECATED: use package without "-signed". Byte buffers support for DotNetty.
DEPRECATED: use package without "-signed". UDP and TCP SocketChannel implementations for DotNetty.
Http codec for DotNetty