Top 20 NuGet tcp Packages
High performance, reactive TCP / UDP socket middleware for .NET
Simple and straightforward library for TCP client and servers. Extremely useful for reading/writing with line-by-line command interfaces. Supports binary and string messages, automatic string trimming, and end-of-message delimiter (newline by default).
DEPRECATED: use package without "-signed".
DotNetty is a port of netty framework. It is an asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers and clients.
A TCP-based, Pub/Sub C# library.
Provides an implementation of the Communication library for the Universal Windows Platform, including listeners and connections for the TCP protocol.
Genuine Channels is a high-end transport environment accessible through .NET Remoting and Direct eXchange Manager (DXM) API. Besides offering steady connections in any environment thanks to configurable reconnect feature, Genuine Channels support communication with clients located behind firewalls, ...
C# Modbus Tools
NFX Erlang Package
NFX UNISTACK includes:
Application Container + Dependency Injection facilities
Configuration engine
BigMemory: Local/Distributed piles/heaps, ability to store hundreds of millions of objects resident in memory for long times without killing GC
A .net core Twitch library containing classes and models to access the pubsub api.
A .net core Twitch library containing classes and models to access the chat api.
Xeeny is framework for building and consuming services on devices and servers that support .net standard.
It is Cross Platform, Duplex, Multiple Transports, Asynchronous, Typed Proxies, Configurable, and Extendable
KingNetwork is an open source library to facilitate the creation and communication of clients and servers through TCP, UDP and Web sockets.
.netcore 基于dotnetty的rpc通讯框架。
BigQ is a messaging platform using TCP sockets and websockets featuring sync, async, channel, and private communications. This package includes the BigQ core libraries. Please also download the BigQ.Client or BigQ.Server package as needed.
Simple Communication Engine for .NET Core.
Package Description