Top 20 NuGet rest Packages

Provides NotificationHubs service management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Provides MachineLearning service management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
CSM/Resource Groups-compatible library. Provides management capabilities for Intune services.
Provides Devices service management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
NOTE: This package has been deprecated, and the functionality from this package has been added to the main Data Lake Store package. Please use Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store package instead. Provides tool capabilities for Data Lake Store Uploader services, enabling rapid upload of data i...
Provides CustomerInsights service management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Provides developers with libraries to create and manage Namespaces and manage Authorization Rules. Note: This client library is for CustomerInsights under Azure Resource Manager.
Provides CognitiveServices service management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Provides azure backup management capabilities.
Provides AnalysisServices service management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Provides capabilities to query Microsoft Azure gallery.
A simple client for working with MantisBT via its REST API.
Scalable REST client using Newtonsoft serializer and async HttpClient
Solid.Http.Json is an extension to Solid.Http.Core for working with json http responses using System.Text.Json.
Solid.Http.Core is a library to simplify http calls in C#. It's designed to be async and fully extendable.
Solid.Http is a library to simplify http calls in C#. It's designed to be async and fully extendable.
SimpleRtRest is really simple Rest client for WinRT applications. It use new WinRt HttpClient as a base and gives you ability to consume REST services from your Windows 8 application with just few lines of code. This project is based on great .NET Rest client RestSharp and main goal is to have some...