Top 20 NuGet rest Packages

Library to deal with orders from marketplaces running on Mirakl
Microsoft Azure Management Location Based Services Library
DotNet Standard 1.4 client API for the Delta Json Rest Service at
Cliente para el consumo de servicios HTTP
API and REST API Connectors. Free for personal and commercial use. Author doesn't responsibility for rights of third party applications or packages.
An official asynchronous .NET API Wrapper for the Shinden APIs.
A library designed to handle mvc by defining classes through IModel, adding appropriate attribues and methods and properties. This will then generate js to interface with it based off of backbonejs and rest calls back which will be handled by the library.
quick json rest api that use .Net Core. It makes Rest call for Get/Post/Put/Delete. A bear token can be passed in for authorization.
Provides developers with libraries for the Update admin under AzureStack to manage plans and stuff.
Provides developers with libraries for the subscriptions admin under AzureStack to manage subscriptions
Provides developers with libraries for the Storage admin under AzureStack to manage Storage infrastructure.
Provides developers with libraries for the network admin under AzureStack to manage network.