Top 20 NuGet rest Packages

Rest Service for Xamarin multi-platform projects.
This is simple Mvvm implementation for Cross Platform Development with Rest Client in Xamarin Form.
Rest API Service for communicating with Granicus' GovDelivery Communications Cloud API v1.1. Sub-project of CityOfNewOrleans.GovDeliveryApiService.
Simple library to package your assembly and publish it as a REST service using NancyFx. This is the contracts paket. See ServiceHost for the implementation.
WebClient abstraction library
C# SDK for Shoutpoint APIv1
A usefull tools to call api.
C# Rest Client for IGDB API
A usefull tools to call api.
Control Hatch Baby Rest devices using Bluetooth LE
WebServices Dynamic
USGS ArcGIS ESRI interop library for Vector Web Edit.
RESTful base client that can call any RESTful API. Supports the HTTP verbs GET, POST and PATCH. Deals with the HTTP status code 200, 201, 204, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 307, 400, 404, 409, 500 and 502. [covered by 60+ tests]
HTTP Api template. Included swagger and docker
Free Rest Call Library