Top 20 NuGet rest Packages

Searchandiser v2.3.68+
Simple rest client
Eases to access JSON or text based REST services for universal Windows and UWP apps.
Allows to generate c# class from salesforce object metadata. Provides api for running query, search, find against salesforce . Also allow create, update,delete salesforce objects.
.NET Deezer API wrapper
An MSBuild Task to generate Postman v3 collections from WebApi ApiControllers without dependencies on MVC, WebApiHelp or System.Web. Based on Yao's example
.NET Client Library for Office 365 Mail, Calendar and Contacts API. Learn more about how to use this library at:
A lightweight and easy configurable REST server to be used in conjunction with Windows 10 (UWP).
Extensões do ASP.NET Web API
DD4T Rest Providers
Billx .NET SDK is our official .NET SDK for supporting Billx Rest APIs.
Light-weight http client for making CRUD and REST calls via http in .NET
A basic REST Client, inherits from it and add your own method for easier management
My package description.
Hmac extenstion for IP2 Payments and Commerce Client
SDK for working with managed APIs and connections hosted in Azure App Service. Azure App Service platform abstracts different SaaS providers and makes easy to work with them with common contract.
Optional<T> class for rest interfaces
The Common library to call Backblaze B2 Api.