Top 20 NuGet property Packages

Image Property for EPiserver 7 provides a rich interface for selecting a images. Tightly integrated with new interface with drag and drop support.
Video Property for EPiserver 7 provides a rich interface for selecting a video clips with support for rendering preview/thumbnail in edit mode. Works with YouTube and Vimeo.
Generic List property for EPiserver 7 provides a possibility to IEnumerable property with UI support in edit mode.
VideoCloud Property. Provides the ability to select videos uploaded to Brightcove video cloud storage.
A small Caliburn.Micro extension to allow exposing Model properties through a ViewModel with a simple attribute.
Easy-to-use calculated properties for MVVM apps (.NET 4, MonoTouch, MonoDroid, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone Silverlight 8.0, and Silverlight 5).
Use Rx additions with Property Framework. Consume sequences of property values and reload calls.
Project is deprecated. Migrate to
Project is deprecated. Migrate to
Project is deprecated. Migrate to
Project is deprecated. Migrate to
A property convention which sets custom type binary blob
A property convention which sets not nullable
A property convention which sets length for strings
The common helper library for System.Reflection
This library contains a way of accessing property setters and getters in a way which is more efficient than reflection, as well as other reflection based functionality
Data driven SOLIDWORKS property manager pages based on vPages framework
Umbraco CMS Datatype - Document Type Picker
A library containing an extension method GetPropertyName which allows retrieving the property name from a lambda expression.
This class contains two helper methods that allows to get a nested property value without checking if all the nodes are not null