Top 20 NuGet net Packages

Lightweight web framework
warning: This package is no longer being maintained. A package that contains saprotwr.dll and sapfewse.ocx converted for .net: - saprotwr.dll : ROT Wrapper - sapfewse.ocx : Controls library SAP version : 730 Final Release This package is created to be referenced by LINQPad, as it doesn't s...
Convenient and lightweight wrapper around the Facebook .NET SDK
This is a .NET implementation of Flux
SQL Operations Wrapper for ADO.NET
Stackato MSBuild Tasks
Enterprise solutions for .Net framework
Nequeo net component
Nequeo FTP component
Nequeo SFtp component
Nequeo WebDav component
Nequeo OAuth component
Nequeo Sip component
Nequeo NetTcp component
Nequeo PjSip component
Nequeo service component
LightMapper object to object mapper
A sample module and to be able to list the current sessions and the size of those sessions
My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC configuration components.