Top 20 NuGet library Packages

TableLayoutPanel with highlighted header
.NET library for PDF generation.
This library is used to resample the audio data from data buffer in float. The library is migrate from libresample4j.
C# Socket Message Module
A library that allows you to interact with TCPGecko running on a local Wii U console.
This library simplifies the process of developing OData-friendly Web APIs.
Utility functions and extension methods
sqlite-net extension
A subset of new IoT objects for Raspbian to abstract some code not necessary for developer and speed up developing time.
A subset of new IoT objects for MonoDroid to abstract some code not necessary for developer and speed up developing time.
An iOS binding library for JPush
.Net library for compressing URLs
[DEPRECATED] please use RiotGamesAPI package
Xamarin android media picker library
An offline reverse geocoding library for .Net coded in C#. Based on the awesome Java lib by AReallyGoodName. All the geocoding data can be gotten from:
Test Library
Test project for nuget
This package enables configuring the Transient Fault Handling Application Block ("Topaz") using declarative configuration such as the app.config file. Configuring the block is also supported by the Enterprise Library Configuration Tool available in the Visual Studio Extensions Gallery. This library ...