Top 20 NuGet library Packages

FantasyData API C# Client Library
A cross-platform library for working with unmanaged assemblies; written in C#
Implements a Window theming control for Dirkster.MLib but can also be used with other theming libraries since there are no technical dependencies to MLib.
MLib is a set of WPF theming libraries based on MahApps.Metro and MUI
Test class library
Simple library to read and edit registry
Trxer Console
A named pipes library. Solves the problem of communication on different access levels.
Practical functional C# port from ramda.js
Projects Format Utility Library
.NET library for Finance.
Microsoft Machine Learning Scoring library for deep learning model inference. Current version of the library supports inferencing on ONNX v1.3 and TensorFlow v1.10.0 models. The library supports CPU execution with MKL/MKLDNN acceleration. Also supports CUDA GPU devices. For CPU execution of ONNX mod...