Top 20 NuGet library Packages

A Source Server Query Library
A library of functions built with .NET designed for reuse in Excel VSTO-based application, but also exposable to VBA through the facade pattern.
Mark up your assemblies, classes or methods using the [Instrument] attribute then run the nrconfig.exe tool (separate NuGet package) to generate a custom New Relic instrumentation XML file.
.NET types extensions.
Activity based authorization library for C#
Fast, reliable, easy to use, fully compliant, thread safe C# JSON library for server side and desktop operations. Open sourced under MIT license.
ENTLib 4.1 Package
Library for easy and fast creation of console/shell-like .NET apps.
Consume native libraries from .NET by adding as embedded resources.
A library of Adaptive Triggers for Windows Universal Platform applications. The library allows you to easily create visual states triggered by common trigger conditions.
Library to work with bibtex files. Makes it possible to read in bibtex files for further processing. For more information see the readme and project site.
A small library for generic settings stored locally on the client pc
Package Description
Symmetric file encryption/decryption library
Package Description
Tool for converting cs (C#) source code snippets to vb (VB.NET) and vice versa.
This is a modified version of MahApps.Metro specifically for Explore10
Based on changed the dotnet version to 3.5 for use in older projects
The .NET library "Nakov.TurtleGraphics" provides а very simple "turtle graphics" drawing interface for C# / .NET Windows Forms, designed for kids, learning to code. It supports all standard turtle commands like "move-forward", "move-backward", "rotate", "move-to", "pen-up", "pen-down". Animates the...
LightBox control for WPF