Top 20 NuGet library Packages

A secure-by-default, performance, cross-browser client-side HTML sanitization library
SQLiteC++ (SQLiteCpp) is a smart and easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper. See SQLiteC++ website on GitHub. SQLiteC++ offers an encapsulation arround the native C APIs of SQLite, with a few intuitive and well documented C++ class.
WixNuGetPackager enables the distribution of Windows Installer XML (WiX) libraries and extensions using NuGet packages. WixNuGetPackager is itself distributed as a NuGet package which can be installed in WiX library or extension projects. Once installed in a project, WixNuGetPackager extends the bui...
.NET library for using databases through ADO.NET.
.NET library for working with pictures.
.NET library for UML Modeling.
.NET library for parsing.
.NET library for Testing and Mocking in unittests.
.NET library for Windows Applications.
.NET library extending the .NET Framework with base functionality.
A Class Library for storing Settings in a file.
.NET library with base and shared service contract types.
.NET library for static code analysis.
Framework for building command-line applications in C#
Iodine Programming Language Core
Packs images into a texture atlas and optionaly crestes a description file in various formats
Here are Meriadins own Library
To words extensions.
Excel SAX操作类库