Top 20 NuGet library Packages

The necessary signed files for running the Data Access Application Block (DAAB) from the Enterprise Library 4.1
The EntLibContrib Autofac Configurator is an implementation of the IContainerConfigurator interface that allows to use Autofac as the DI container in EntLib.
The EntLibContrib Castle Windsor Configurator is an implementation of the IContainerConfigurator interface that allows to use Castle Windsor as the DI container in EntLib.
This package includes a zip file with the source code of all the extensions and additionnal blocks of EntLibContrib v5. Simply add the package, and look for the zip file in the "packages\EntLibContrib.Source.[version]\source" folder at the solution level.
Adds Enterprise Library 5 Logging Block settings to your WCF project
EPubSharp provides the ability to generate ePub documents with a minimum of fuss.
IronCow is a library wrapping the Remember The Milk REST API into an MVVM-friendly .NET API.
This is a functional library for C#.
.Net utils library
Library to be used with your application in order to use PerformanceCounter
Helpful utility to administrate counters when your application does not run with administrative priviledges.
An unofficial packaging of Microsoft's Enterprise Library 5. I needed one, couldn't find one on NuGet - so just whipped this up. Contact me know when an official package becomes available so that I can remove this one.
A utility library with useful classes and helpers.
This library contains core infrastructure logic that does not depend on external libraries.
Helper extension methods for Task Parallel Library (TPL)
FLib is small utilities library that contains a few useful classes for general purpose usage. It can be used in everyday programming to make method argument validation clearer(FLib.Validation), help with bindings(FLib.Data.Binding and FLib.Data.PropertyPath), support cancellable editing(FLib.Data.Pr...
This library supports functional programming using F# on ASP.NET.
NFile Library (Files, Folders)
Syntactic sugar for C#
This package contains the main assembly for the Azure Authentication Library (AAL). AAL provides easy to use authentication functionality for your .NET client apps by taking advantage of Windows Azure Active Directory.