Top 20 NuGet generic Packages

Generic data access layer built on top of the .NET Entity Framework
Adds Windows Forms support to the .NET Generic Host.
Adds Dependency Collection/Provider, enabaling generic dependencies with lifetimes to be added. When a dependency is requested depending on its lifetime it will be instantiated and disposed of.
Generic Repository and Unit of Work for MySQL of the Ural Boilerplate project.
Generic Entity Service for PostgreSQL of the Ural Boilerplate project.
Generic Entity Service for MYSQL of the Ural Boilerplate project.
Generic Entity Service for MSSQL of the Ural Boilerplate project.
ASP.Net Core library contain all the generic and non-generic function for SQL Server DML. All major DML tasks are accomplished.
Middlewares for the Ural Boilerplate project.
Simple Helper to work with AppSettings
xUnit Tests for netfx-System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair
EntityFramework Generic DbContext, both generic base class and generic interface
System.Data.Entity Repository Extension
Generic Repository Pattern and UnitOfWork implementation with base classes.
This package ultimately lets you constrain generic type parameters to the `System.Delegate` type. Just replace the problematic constraints and types with the `Ark.IDelegate` stubs which are wiped away without a trace after the assembly is compiled. If you try to write `class MyClass<T> where T : De...
Did you ever got frustrated about the limitations of Enums? Ever needed an Enum that supports Strings? Or your custom type? Did you ever wonder why you can't add any instance methods and properties to an Enum? Do you like to be able to enumerate over all members, ask their names, values and index...
This package is extension for Entity frame work to use Unit of work pattern and generic repository. User does not need to create repositories for each Module, Just use this package in Business layer and this package will have repository for it. This also tracks the history for the records that gets ...
Package containing general reusable functionality
Sometimes it is necessary to get a username and password out of the Windows credentials store. It is painful, so this library just hides some of the pain.
Package provides functionality to build GridView based on your model items collection. Grid.Mvc support sorting and paging your data. Filtering is not supported yet.