Top 20 NuGet generic Packages

A class which defines a range for a Generic type.
IEnumerable extension methods that are useful in day to day programming.
DescriptionGeneric Code for repository that automap a Datable to Object
Extension methods that are useful in day to day programming. This package includes extension methods for collections and Linq
A generic tree/leaf structure built with extensions used to traverse data easily from any point in the structure.
DataMapper T4
Higher-kinded generic types for F#
Data Access Layer Core interfaces for Core project
Data Access Layer provides abstract interfaces of Generic Repository and Unit of Work for your .NET application.
Data Access Layer provides concreate entity framework implemenataion of Generic Repository and Unit of Work for your .NET application.
Data Access Layer provides concreate entity framework implemenataion of Generic Repository and Unit of Work for your .NET CORE application.
Package Description
Library for smart and easy use of generic data access for SQL Server. It provides functionalities for common SQL data access and for SQL Server Always On.
The C# companion library
Tiny DI lib
Generic implementation of IEquilityComparer which may be usefull for comparing objects of the same types. Provides recursive comparison and comparison by some properties. Provides comparison in runtime if type is undefined.
Simplifies Layered Application Development. Provides base classes for data layer: Generic Repository, Unit of Work, etc Uses Entity Framework see