Top 20 NuGet generator Packages

Creates MVC/Razor related Code Nanites
Provides targets to create a project that launches Kittitas
An In-Memory version of the Roslyn compiler that can be used to debug components in the Roslyn pipeline
Generates lists of people with names, age, sex and isAlive boolean. Design to be used where ever test data is needed. LINQ practice etc.
Defines Sql Server object model types that can be used to generate queries or stored procedures
Very small and simple library that gets the functionality of generating quasi-random numbers. Based on System.Security.Cryptography. Generates a single number or set of unique random numbers. Lower bound is one, upper bound is set by user. User can also provide the number of elements in the set.
The Rockstar to C# transpiler, implemented as a source-code generator.
Auto-implement `.KnownValues()` from a type with static members as enum values. Like listing the predefined colors on `System.Drawing.Color`.