Top 20 NuGet generator Packages

Simple object mapping library which consists of lightweight library of mapping interfaces, attributes and helper methods with code analyser and generator for generating mapping boilerplate code. What is the difference between this mapper and other object mappers: - No reflection: code is generated ...
Visual Studio solution generator
Lightweight .NET wrapper for the Random.Org HTTP API.
CGbR generates code based on the code you write. The generated code is fully reflection free, fast and can be AOT compiled. It can be used to replace reflection for serialization or dependency injection. Please note that some generates use the package CGbR-Lib
CGbR generates code based on the code you write. With this package you can extend the CGbR generator with additional fragment generators.
A Fluent SQL Generator which allows you to generate Insert, Update and Delete SQL Statements.
Library of tools used by CGbR generated code.
Super fast runtime generator for method Equal and GetHashCode. It provides methods for simple property-based comparer.
This component provides english random name. Inspired by Docker NamesGenerator (
SharePoint Random Data and Structure Generator Library
The core components for generating arithmetic equations and arithmetic questions.
Mersenne-Twister random number generator from C++11 in .NET
Helps to generate all combinations of letters from given alphabet with different conditions and then pick over this dictionary in asynchronous way. It looks like pick over all values in n-ary number system. It can be very useful for test covering with all possible values.
Batata Class Library
Source Code Generator for BitFields structs. 列表通用查询控件。本查询控件基于JS,提交Form,最终生成SQL中的条件语句,如"a=b or a=c and m like '%n%'"等 目前只支持SQL SERVER的语法规则。
to get nth fibonacci number AND to generate first n terms
An XKCD style password generator.
Fluent-ish SSML Generator