Top 20 NuGet generator Packages

Hydrator is a highly configurable test data generator.
Generate data transfer object (DTO) classes from simple T4 templates. Reduce amount of boilerplate code you need to write. Let Visual Studio's T4 templating engine do the work for you.
XmlObjectMapper - XML Data Binding Framework
A Mixin Framework for C#
Provides a simple means to generate random strings and sentances for test data Usage instructions can be found at
Strongly-typed single-page web application development in C#.
Generate XML schema documents (.xsd) from .Net assemblies. Use C# attributes to declare the structure of an XML document.
Easily generate sample data for your demos, using fluent API
CSharp toolkit containing useful extensions and functions.
a library to generate fake data for test, such as name, email, phone, number and so on.
Luma.SimpleEntity.CodeGen provides the MsBuild Tasks to generate client entity class with metadata attributes for validation, INotifyPropertyChanged implementation and others.
Véritable couteau suisse du .net, rlcx Power tools contient une énorme quantité d'outils plus utiles les uns que les autres.
Simple library for avatar generation
Convenient HTML page generator for debug purposes in C#
WuffProjects.CodeGeneration is a powerful and easy to use C# code generation framework.
Token Generator C#
Generates TypeScript interfaces from .NET classes
Simple token and unique key generator.
An MSBuild Task to generate Postman v3 collections from WebApi ApiControllers without dependencies on MVC, WebApiHelp or System.Web. Based on Yao's example
datagen generates data for seed and sample purposes.