Top 20 NuGet generator Packages

Generator Random Sample Data
A code generator library that draws its inspiration from iMatix's GSL. Uses Javascript rather than a custom language. Extensible with .NET functions.
$ dotnet new -i Genocs.CleanArchitecture:0.1.0 $ dotnet new cleanarchitecture It generates a .NET Solution following the Clean Architecture Style, DDD and Separation of Concerns in Domain, Application, Infrastructure and UI.
Utility for generating high-performance metrics collectors.
Package Description
Package Description
A password generation nuget that balances simple and easy to use with options. Easily integrate this in you application to make a complex or simple password at what ever length you want. You only need to worry about one class with one method, with OK defaults if you are really lazy and can't be both...
library for working with Origami Internal Language
$ dotnet new -i Genocs.MicroserviceTemplate::0.1.0 $ dotnet new microservice It generates a .NET Solution with full fledged microservice components.
Generate a fake JPG or PNG image in any size between 1 KB and 2 GB for Xunit tests.
Generate a fake JPG or PNG image in any size between 1 KB and 2 GB for MSTest tests.
Generate a fake JPG or PNG image in any size between 1 KB and 2 GB.
.Net Pow! Flags country flag icons/images css library and css flag library generation project. Generate your own flag library based on your projects needs using Iso country codes, Iso language codes, country names with sizes to suite your needs. Includes our Material Design Icons c# library we use f...
Ever wanted to write a C# console app in Brainf**k? Well now you can!
This is a test
AbpHelper is a tool to help you with developing Abp vNext applications.
Generate random identify data or random very strong passwords.
Firemap is a source generator that generates mappings between objects. The mappings are created at compile time and are therefore super fast and reflection-free.
Thread-safe generation of opaque id that can be used for trace id or reference code.