Top 20 NuGet fast Packages

Helper for boosting speed of .net Reflection
Faster version of the SpecFlow default table parser
Eco Tools is a set of classes and methods that helps to develop performance critical code on the top of .NET Framework.
Eco Tools Recycling is a set of classes and methods that helps to develop performance critical code on the top of .NET Framework.
An extremely fast and lightweight network messaging socket. Kinda like WCF, without the nonsense and scolding fast speeds. Great for applications communicating over a network when webAPI is too slow or inefficient. SSL encryption is optional.
Package Description
Sockets Server/Client Library
Pattern Repository C# using Entity Framework
Trimmed down {{mustache}} templates in .NET
Automatically login a bunch of accounts to PlayerIO with extreme haste.
tiny, fast... REST-endpoint Server - based on jchristn/WatsonWebserver. Documentation:
A library for send emails quickly without hastle. An abstraction over MailKit. Added capability to fetch and delete emails from server. Protocols supported are IMAP and POP3.
A simpler and faster way to use Reflection for instantiating classes and setting fields/properties in mapping operations.
fast json serialize and deserialization
Fast and extendible C# 8 alternative to Dapper data access built for .NET Core 3 era.
A simple and client to calculate download speed in multiple units.