Top 20 NuGet fast Packages

Extensions for System.Data Types for Stubble
Fast Simplex Noise (fast-simplex-noise) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Fast List (fast-list) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
MongoCRUD is a high level library to make easy basic operations like create, update, update partial by query, upsert, delete, delete by query, get, search with paging and sorting, and filter buiders.
Fast Relational DB scalable caching. Multiple DB loaders.
Fast Relational DB scalable caching. Multiple DB loaders.
Fast Relational DB scalable caching. Multiple DB loaders.
Bytestream is a small library that enables blazing fast serialization of a collection of types to raw bytes. Either in the form of a byte array byte[] or unmanaged memory IntPtr. The library performs no memory allocation on its own, so you are free to use your own memory allocator!
Fast GDI painter for Windows Forms
TypeKitchen is a small library for fast meta-programming in .NET.
FastTracker Core abstractions and interfaces for apm agent.