Top 20 NuGet fast Packages

FastTracker core components.
Package Description
A near-C++ performance implementation of the Snappy compression algorithm for .NET. Snappier is ported to C# directly from the official C++ implementation, with the addition of support for the framed stream format. By avoiding P/Invoke, Snappier is fully cross-platform and works on both...
High performance web framework based on Ice Core
.NET's fastest JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers. Fast, Light, Resilient. Benchmarks at: Includes the String and Stream functionality for all the ServiceStack projects including: - T.Dump() generic extension method for easy dbugging and...
(Super) fast serializer for CSV-files. No explicit mapping to columns needed. Displaynames can be specified, to map to different property names.
FlashReflection allows fast reflection by caching and creating delegates of methods and properties
An extended version of the Array to accelerate operation, easy to use, multi dimensional. With SuperchargedArray.Accelerated namespace you will unlock SIMD potential to run the Array operation on any hardware like Intel CPU/GPU, NVIDIA, AMD etc.
TypeKitchen is a small library for fast meta-programming in .NET.
TypeKitchen is a small library for fast meta-programming in .NET.
TypeKitchen is a small library for fast meta-programming in .NET.
TypeKitchen is a small library for fast meta-programming in .NET.