Top 20 NuGet efcore Packages

EFCore integrate with search engine function
A Library for EntityFrameworkCore to support automatically recording data changes history (audit logging), soft-delete, and Snakecase naming convention functionality.
Generic Repository Pattern EFCore - Basic properties for the database model. An event to work with the database. An abstract EMEntity class has been added that does not require the implementation of the IEMEntity interface when inheriting. Общий шаблон репозитория EFCore - Основные свойства для моде...
A library that contains extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHost for EF Core.
用于在程序启动时迁移数据库: host.TryMigrateDb<TestDataContext>(app);
Entity Framework extensions for the Architect.Identities package. Release notes: 2.1.0: - The ConfigureDecimalIdTypes() extension method now truncates needless trailing zeros received from the database provider (`123.0` => `123`), as is the ...
ASP.NET Core support for Clinia.MultiTenant.
Main library package for Clinia.MultiTenant
A .Net Core REST API builder that auto generates EF entities automapped to CRUD models and exposes them in a react-admin - compatible REST dialect.
A .Net Core REST API builder that auto generates EF entities automapped to CRUD models and exposes them in a react-admin - compatible REST dialect.
Entity Framework Core for automatically adding check constraints in various scenarios.
Manage your DbContexts the right way. The persistence or infrastructure layer uses the DbContext (e.g. from a repository). Controlling its scope and transaction lifetime, however, is ideally the reponsibility of the orchestrating layer (e.g. from an application service). This package adds that abil...
A simple library that enables Entity Framework Core DbContext as configuration source.
EFCore persistence library, abstracting and simplifying dbcontext integration
Implementations of ASP.NET Core Identity IPasswordValidators
A library mirroring GovDelivery's data structure implemented in EF Core. Useful for collating intensive changesets to be dispatched to GovDelivery. Sub-project of CityOfNewOrleans.GovDeliveryApiService.
Utilities and guidance to manage catalogue tables with Entity Framework Core based on C# enums
Provides a simple generic implementation of the Repository Pattern for Entity Framework Core.
This package provides a value converter, introduced in Entity Framework Core 2.1, to allow nullable database fields to be mapped to fields/properties defined as F# options, instead of either Nullable<T> or requiring explicit null checks.
Provider agnostic transaction sharing for Entity Framework Core