Top 20 NuGet efcore Packages

It is an extenion for mapping data to your model that returned from efcore stored procedure executed.
This Library Contains Implementations of IEntityService,Logging and Transaction Interception based on EFCore
An extension for caching results of queries into the Redis cache. This library implements asynchronous and synchronous execution. It supports distributed lock to be able to use cache between n-numbers of servers which runs the application and doesn’t allow any race condition for cache update. You ca...
Based Librame.AspNetCore.Identity.Abstractions on EntityFrameworkCore application implementation.
Based Librame.AspNetCore.Data.Abstractions and EntityFrameworkCore on ASP.NET Core extension implementation.
EntityFrameworkCore extensions for DotMoney
Entity Framework Core data access for applications based on VoidCore.Model.
AzureServiceBus Transport for Eventfully
Lightweight Reliable Messaging Framework with Outbox
AzureKeyVault KeyProvider for Messaging
Convention base Entity Framework Core Scaffolding
The package is a part of Saritasa Tools project. Saritasa.Tools.EfCore3 contains various useful extensions.
Base classes for cross-platform database management
Entity Framework Seed Extension
Lightweight Reliable Messaging Framework with Outbox