Top 20 NuGet efcore Packages

The Core library contains all base interfaces and tools. You should install at least one other CacheManager package to get cache handle implementations.
A small set of extensions for EF Core to simplify and consolidate common EF tasks like sorting and paging.
A repository pattern implementation for Entity Framework Core
Extensions to support Raw SQL and Stored Procedures with custom entities mapping
The package is a part of Saritasa Tools project. Saritasa.Tools.EfCore2 contains implementations for unit of work, repository interfaces.
Contains EFCore base classes for MR.AspNetCore.Jobs.
MariaDB Client provider for Entity Framework Core.
MutatorFX FilterMutator extensibility for Entity Framework Core.
DbContextScope for EF Core. Forked from
Version for Entity Framework Core (>= 1.0, < 2.0). Allows the creating of composable queries and thus the reusability of Linq2Entity query snippets.
EntityFrameworkCore.Procedure Library is a light weight library to Handle Stored Procedure in a Simple manner. This is extended tool for EntityFrameworkCore.
EF implemenation of the jupitar api
DNTFrameworkCore is a Lightweight and Extensible Infrastructure for Building Web Applications
ForEvolve Entity Framework Core helpers.
EntityFrameworkCore support for GraniteCore
Implementation of generic CRUD operations for Entity Framework Core in Cqrs approach