Top 20 NuGet dependency-injection Packages

An extension to the LightInject service container that enables dependency injection for SignalR applications. See LightInject.SignalR for the source distribution.
Enables the LightInject service container to be used when creating WCF services.
An extension to the LightInject service container that enables automatic implementation of factory interfaces.
Provides an integration that enables LightInject to be used as the IoC container in the Nancy web framework.
RavenDB.DependencyInjection makes it easy to put your Raven doc store and document session into AspNetCore's dependency injection container.
Enables LightInject to be used as the service container in ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework 7 applications.
Package Description
Composer is an extensible Compositional Architecture framework, providing a set of functionality such as Inversion of Control container (IoC), Dependency Injection (DI), Plug-in framework, Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), Configurability and Composability for components...
Wrapper for using LightInject with TopShelf
An extensible compositional architecture framework, providing a set of functionality such as Inversion of Control container (IoC), Dependency Injection (DI), Plug-in framework, Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), Configurability and Composability for components.
Allows easily switching out IoC containers without rewriting code. This package supports the Unity container.
Allows easily switching out IoC containers without rewriting code.
Allows easily switching out IoC containers without rewriting code. This package supports DryIoc.
Simple dependency injection container with separated configuration that supports Transient and Singleton dependency lifestyles, scopes, constructor and property injection, named dependencies and open generic dependencies and other features.
A static Dependency Injection IoC Container library
An ultra lightweight Inversion of Control container for the .Net framework. See LightInject.Source for the source distribution.
LightInject wrapper that implements services Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection, Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceProvider
Dependency injection implementation for azure function V2. Support for dependency injection will be added as part of the functions plarform but in the meanwhile this is a good approach.