Top 20 NuGet dependency-injection Packages

This library exposes the native .NET implementation of Solid Instrument's inversion of control abstraction.
This library exposes the Autofac implementation of Solid Instrument's inversion of control abstraction.
An ultra lightweight Inversion of Control container for the .Net framework. See LightInject.Source for the source distribution.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments RabbitMQ messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments Azure Service Bus messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments RabbitMQ messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments Azure Service Bus messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments messaging abstractions.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments event authoring abstractions.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments event authoring abstractions.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of abstractions for the repository and unit-of-work patterns.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of abstractions for the repository and unit-of-work patterns.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of the command and mediator patterns.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of the command and mediator patterns.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments Entity Framework data access abstractions.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments Entity Framework data access abstractions.
Simple ServiceLocator wrapper. Differs from the Microsoft offering by exposing binding in the common interface.
Created as an alternative to the Common Service Locator that does not use the service location anti-pattern and provides support for releasing instances. Adapters are available for various dependency injection containers. There are also WCF extensions available.
Test Nuget package that demonstrates how to create and publish a package. The project is a demo of an optional logging pattern that is described in the linked blog post.